Sunnybeam is currently accepting registrations for our 2025-2026 Caterpillar and Butterfly classes. We have space in both! Come join our family!
Our Programs
The Caterpillar class is made up of 3 and 4 year olds, and meets Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00AM to 1:00PM.
The class has been developed to give each child a positive first experience in a peer group situation. Through emphasis on guided play, art, dance, music, early literacy and drama, children make friends and learn to interact creatively with each other. They gain confidence in a group through short, engaging circle times especially designed to teach early learning concepts with songs, books, and games.
The Butterfly class is comprised of 4 and 5 year olds and meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00AM - 1:00PM.
We capitalize on the children's more developed social and cooperative skills to learn together about the world around them. Drama, social studies, and kindergarten readiness skills become a group adventure. Circle time is designed for active participation. The children's longer attention spans and growing innate curiosity allow for projects that develop over a few school days with more involved participation. Art often becomes a vehicle to explore science in a hands-on and purposeful way.
Our 2024-2025 pre-kindergarten optional Enrichment program is offered on Tuesday afternoon from 1:30PM-3:30PM for currently enrolled Butterflies.
Our Enrichment class gives our pre-kindergartners the additional practice and instruction necessary to prepare for kindergarten in a structured environment. This program purposely has a small child to teacher ratio, which allows the children to engage in serious, "big-kid" work. Our Butterflies would be the first to boast about all of the big-kid work they get to do! Through fun learning activities, journals, workbooks, and games, the children learn early literacy and numeracy skills that will help them to be confident kindergartners.
Our 2024-2025 pre-kindergarten optional Discovery program is offered on Thursday afternoon from 1:30PM-3:30PM for currently enrolled Butterflies.
Discovery Class is an engaging afternoon program designed to explore and enjoy our local environment. Students will embark on nature walks through Pioneer Park and the Sunnybeam property. The class will draw inspiration from the natural world to inspire projects and artwork, reflecting the changing seasons. This class will also include a variety of experiential themes providing a dynamic way to explore many interests. Last year for example, a fascination with geodes led to an in-depth exploration of these wondrous formations.
SunnyDay Camps are open to all children between the ages of 3 and 6. Each day, children will have the opportunity to explore art, sensory activities, and dramatic play, as well as to enjoy abundant outside playtime and activities. Games, nature observation, and "getting messy" are highlights for the kids. Camps are led by at least two of our fantastic and experienced teachers, as well as other camp counselors. They help each child feel right at home at Sunnybeam.